Programs for homeowners are being developed from the CDBG-DR grant. Once the federal government has approved the County’s action plan, these programs will be added as they come online. Current programs and resources for homeowners are below.
Income Eligible Hurricane Home Repair Program
Contact information and notes for those who may need storm-related permits from Pinellas County.
FEMA Assistance
Deadlines and contact information for those applying for FEMA assistance related to the 2024 hurricanes.
Physical Damage Disaster Loans
Homeowners, renters, nonprofit organizations and businesses of all sizes are eligible to apply for low-interest…
Elevate Florida Program
Elevate Florida is a residential mitigation program that offers assistance with elevation, reconstruction and/or acquisition…
ESG Rapid Unsheltered Survivor Housing
Funding to to address the needs of persons experiencing or at risk of homelessness in…
Disaster Mental Health Resources
Resources for individuals who are experiencing emotional distress related to disasters.
Pinellas County Permits
Contact information and notes for those who may need storm-related permits from Pinellas County.
Mold Remediation
If your home was flooded during the storms this year, it’s important to protect your…